In the United Kingdom, Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) guidance describes the legal safeguards required of childcare and school personnel when children under the age of 18 are in their care. It addresses safeguards to protect children from maltreatment, prevent impairment of children’s health or development, and makes sure that children can use the Internet free of inappropriate content and risk of exposure. The guidance helps schools intervene in circumstances that might involve children and extremism, bullying, or self-harm.

Safeguarding uses KCSiE notification rules to monitor the network for searches that include keywords. When a user on the network submits a predefined keyword to the Google or Microsoft Bing search engines, the rules you configure can notify specified recipients, such as safeguarding leads. The search keywords that trigger a notification come from an internal list and a list of keywords published by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF).

You can configure a rule to send an email notification when a user on the network searches for a predefined keyword. WatchGuard Cloud sends an email notification to specified recipients when a web search matches a keyword from the IWF list.

You enable Safeguarding and manage KCSiE notification rules from the Safeguarding page in WatchGuard Cloud.

With the Safeguarding feature, you can:

with the challenge of navigating a virtual landscape that may expose them to cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and potential predators.

For more information on how Cyber & Data Protection can assist you in safeguarding your pupils against online predators please call us on 01743 644404 or email [email protected]