'May Shropshire Flourish' - Floreat Salopia

Join us in our mission to make Shropshire the most cyber secure county in the United Kingdom... Read on.

The realisation of the potential impact on the county, it’s businesses and the population through a Cyber incident that we dealt with, really hit home. Shropshire businesses employ Shropshire residents, sell to Shropshire businesses, and buy from Shropshire businesses. An interruption to any part of this affects the whole county.

Through no fault of their own, people are often the weakest link in Cyber defence and Data Protection. Give your staff, contractors, or volunteers access to engaging, interesting, short but impacting eLearning courses followed by a short test to drive home understanding. Upskilling people is a key component of Cyber defences. Educating staff in Cyber and Data Protection doesn’t only benefit your company but also your people personally, and their families, and in turn the wider county.

Continual evaluation of processes and technical systems for good practice is a critical part of being Cyber secure and protecting data. This should be in the form of structured and regular assessment of your processes combined with a technical assessment by professionals. Our subscription provides both the tools and templates for you to self-assess your business and some technical assessments against commonly used systems conducted by our team of professionals.

Threat Actors (Bad Guys) spend all day everyday improving their techniques to breach IT systems, steal data, commit fraud and steal money, working out new ways to do this. To prevent this happening to you and your business, you need to have an approach to continually improve your processes and defences, based on the outcome of assessments against globally recognised standards and frameworks, have a defined roadmap and improvement process. Most organisations are surprised how much can be achieved for zero cost through applying good configuration of systems. Improvement is not a one-time activity; it is a forever process. Our guidance, templates, tips, and regular advice will support creating a culture of continual improvement.

Respond applies to both dealing with known issues or required improvements but also when there’s an incident. The first time you experience a Cyber breach it is terrifying, and most people then accept that the threat is very real and doesn’t only happen to other companies. Like the first time with anything, it is unlikely you will be prepared or confident in what to do at that moment. This is why we are offering breach support to all organisations that are part of Securing Shropshire. Having that number to call or that portal to talk to experts though and to be guided and supported by a team who are experienced in exactly what to do and how to do it will be – at that moment – the best thing in your world.

Cyber & Data Protection have specific expertise and experience in Legal, Hospitality, Charity, and Education sectors. However, the principles and approach to Cyber Security and Data Protection can be applied to any organisation.

Be a part of Securing Shropshire. Let’s protect, improve and progress our county.  Recent Shropshire success story.

Sign up now!

Some Shropshire Facts

  • There are 7,474 organisations in Shropshire with over 5 employees.  6,774 have between 5 and 50 with another 700 employing 50 and above.
  • Less than 10% of over 1000 Shropshire organisations checked had a Cyber Essentials Certification.  Those checked were Shropshire Chamber Award Finalists,  A Fast Growth list and Chamber members.
  • There were 25,765 companies registered at the end of 2020 – most of them with less than 5 employees! This figure grew by 0.6% in 2021 and 3.9% in 2022 (figures account for business closures).

Some Cyber Tips...

  • Malware, Viruses, Spyware and Ransomware are common – usually via an email with dodgy links; corrupt websites, infected files via (for example) DropBox, within attached application documents (i.e. Word), through USB or other connected devices.  Criminals will be after identity theft, theft or corruption of data, or fraud.
  • Be wary of any email from someone you don’t know, and very wary of any asking you to click on a link.
  • Even if something looks genuine (website of trusted supplier, Facebook Message from Meta), if they have contacted you with a link to acquire information or details do not trust it.
  • If you think your identity has been stolen or something that could make that possible then apply for protective registration with CIFAS.  Once registered they will carry out extra checks for any financial application.
  • Has your organisation had a data breach?  This ICO tool will tell you whether you need to report it
  • I’m a CEO / on the board. What do I need to consider?  Be savvy … as recommended by the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
  • 5 scams to watch out for right now as put together by the BBC’s scam detectors

3rd Party Reports

Some of these are available for direct download, some will need you to leave details before downloading